Truth of pro-life cause comes directly from God

On Jan. 21, 2022, our nearly 50 years of voicing our collective resolve to promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death will take place once again at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.

This public demonstration serves as an important reminder and show of solidarity, not just among Catholics, but also among all people who understand that each human life, created by God, must be allowed to develop and grow naturally. The result of human conception is a human life. This is a scientific truth. Through the progress of science, we now have clear photographs of living human beings within the wombs of their pregnant mothers. There is no confusion or mistaking what the photograph shows in the womb of a pregnant woman – a child who has an inalienable right to life.

I have attended the March for Life many times to greet the dozens of parish and school delegations who join the rally. It is such an affirming experience to see so many of our good people from South Jersey, young and old, marching along with pro-life advocates from around the country. How proud I am to be your bishop!

Since 1973, Roe v. Wade has been a significant benchmark in our country. It is used to weigh the quality of our political candidates and discern the true nature of corporate leaders. In truth, however, the benchmark has never been Roe v. Wade. It has been what we as Americans truly value: welcoming a human life as opposed to sacrificing our freedom from responsibilities for that human life. Or, the choice between not having a child and the joys and challenges of parenthood.

In the earliest chapters of the Book of Genesis, we read that God created man and woman in his image and likeness.  The dignity and purpose of the human person is found in its origin – in God. The annual march affirms the sacredness of human life in all its stages of development. From the innocent baby in his or her mother’s womb to a dying person in the final moments of life.

This year may prove to be highly charged, as several U.S. Supreme Court cases will consider the issue of abortion. Arguments will be made, many of which will attempt to shred the wisdom of protecting all human life. I suggest that you become familiar with the issues that will get much publicity and become familiar with the pro-life teaching of our Church. It is likely to be a hostile time. Resist the desire for hostility.

The truths of the pro-life cause are written in stone, the stones of the Ten Commandments, no one has the right to take human life. Every individual, for all of eternity, is known by God and is unique. Therefore, it is our responsibility to act on behalf of God to advocate peacefully for the protection of life. We are called to labor on behalf of our sisters and brothers – especially the most innocent lives of the unborn – to ensure they have the opportunity to influence the world the way God intended.

This is not a time for violence and anger. There is never a time for such hostility, even when the cause is just. We follow Jesus’ example to enact change: peacefully, with determination, and always with compassion. 

During these pandemic times, getting to Washington, D.C., for the March for Life will not be an option for many, so I encourage you to consider attending Mass that day at your parish church. If that’s not possible, then arrange time during the day, at work or at home, to remember the lives of the innocents lost during the last 50 years. Pray for those considering abortion as their only option. And, pray for wisdom for our three branches of government, that they will understand that the protection of life is always the preeminent duty of all Americans.

Most Reverend Dennis J. Sullivan, D.D.
Bishop of Camden

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